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Why Do Job Searches Fail?
Tue, Jan 12 2016 11:18
| Planning and Strategy
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New Year’s
Resolutions . . .
It's that
time of year when folks observe the tradition of making New Year's
They join gyms,
start exercise programs, begin diets, take courses to learn a new language, and
right up there among the most popular Resolutions is the vow to find a new job!
And, they
vow this
The Holidays . . . The Most Dangerous Time of the Year
Wed, Dec 16 2015 06:19
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
holidays – the most wonderful time of year. Except when it comes to job
seeking. Then they can become the most dangerous time of the year!
Why? . . . Because the holidays, fraught with frustrations, temptations,
disappointments, and misunderstandings, can lead to the demise of your
job search – that search that you have been working on so diligently
until holiday activities
Take Advantage of Fall Hiring Opportunities - 5 Steps to Take
Tue, Oct 6 2015 08:33
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Beginning a job search?
Reviving an abandoned search you started earlier this year?
Revving up a lagging, low-energy job search?
If you find yourself in any of the above situations, the time is right
for you to be pro-active when it comes to your career.
Fall has arrived, and with it
opportunities. . . . So, for those who
have been thinking about a career change, the time is right.
Lost Your Job? Hated It Anyway? . . . Don’t Throw Out the Baby With the Bath Water
Mon, Sep 14 2015 03:15
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
When faced with a job loss, many job seekers feel mixed emotions. On one hand, they fear the loss of their position and income. On the other, if it was a job they disliked, or even “hated,” they feel relief at being let go and not having to go back to “that place” of employment one more day!
If you find yourself in this situation, know that it’s a pretty common phenomena
Top 10 Questions From Beginning Job Seekers
Fri, Aug 21 2015 10:44
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Top 10 Questions
Thinking of beginning a job
search? It can be overwhelming! It seems like there are so many possibilities
to pursue, and sources for jobs to check into!
Where do you start?
What should you focus on?
What do you spend your time on?
You can do lots of things - How do you search
for 4 or 6 different types of jobs?
A beginning job seeker can have a lot of questions
6 Mistakes to Avoid When Hiring a Job Search Coach
Sun, Jul 5 2015 08:54
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Thinking of hiring a Job Search Coach?
It can be a
good move. A good job search coach can
save you a lot of time and angst, and assist you in finding a better job
While there
is NO MAGIC PILL that can get the job done in a nano-second – as some job seekers I’ve met would
like –
there definitely are advantages to seeking the help of someone
Sun, Jul 5 2015 07:47
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
On having a successful year . . .
Job seeking is a tough row to hoe! It is can be frustrating, exhausting and even painful. Job seeker sometimes feel like they can't take one more rejection.
It can often feel like you're spinning your wheels - peddaling ferociously and getting nowhere.
surround yourself with positive people
surround yourself with knowledgeable people
What Do You Do When You Come In Second?
Mon, Jun 1 2015 10:39
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Didn't get the job? Came in second? What can you do? Follow-up
It has happened to all of us! You found a position you really like. It feels like a great fit, and you know you have what it takes to not only do the job . . . but to do a great job. So, you went after it, gave it all you've got, and earned the opportunity to
Success . . . It's In the Company You Keep
Thu, Apr 9 2015 10:39
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
The people around you can make or break your job search.
“Success . . . is in the company you keep.”
It's an old saying. But old sayings are around for a reason . . .
They make sense. It is true for practically any task or challenge you
undertake, and searching for a new job is no exception.
In fact, it is an understatement to say that the people
around you
"What Will Get My Resume Read?"
Mon, Mar 16 2015 08:45
| Resume and Marketing Tools
| Permalink
What will get your resume read? What are some key things that it may be missing, or "missing the boat" on that are contributing to a lack of interest by hiring managers and few call backs from recruiters?
Here are some questions from active job seekers that may also be questions that are on your mind. What they boil down to
is this: What will get your resume