This page shows the 10 most recent articles. To see more, visit our article archives page.

Summer Time . . . . . To Vacation or Not to Vacation? Part 1 of a 3-part series

To vacation or not to vacation ?  . . . . . That is the question that frequently comes up during a lengthy job search.  It's summer-time, and people take vacations --     - People in companies that you want to meet and network with take vacations.     - People who delay your interview by 2 or 3 weeks because they are on vacation.     
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A How To . . . Use A Marketing Plan to Conduct a Better Job Search

So many companies!  So many people to contact!  So many meetings to attend and network.   How do you keep it all straight?        With a plan . . . a Job Search Marketing Plan. Your marketing plan creates order out of chaos!  I have seen it happen for job seeker after job seeker.  I have watched them go from being overwhelmed to feeling in
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Want a Job? . . . . . You've Got to Do the Work!

Found it! The job I've been searching for. When it comes to finding a job, you’ve got to do the work . . . . . of finding a job! The phrase,  “finding a job is a full-time job” pretty much sums it up.  If you want to find a job today, plan to work at it like it’s your real job.  If you are lucky enough to have a job, while deciding to look for a new one, then carve out
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Be Specific to Find a Job Quicker . . . . . or, A Rambling Resume Doesn't Help!

When it comes to finding a job, being specific about what you want to do gets your further faster.The more specific you are . . .  the better. Too often I see resumes from job seekers that show a whole lot of experiences in a wide array of jobs, education, training, and accolades.  These ramble on frequently for multiple pages - 5 or 6 or more.  Or, when I ask a job seeker what they
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Types of Resumes – Resume Formats

There is no one way to write a resume.  Resumes can be organized and written in several formats.  Although you may, from time to time, hear opinions expressed to the contrary, there are several acceptable formats.  And, each of the formats has helped job seekers be successful in finding their new role or position.  The key is to understand the best uses of the various formats, and
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Open and Hidden Markets = the Employment Marketplace

Advertisements    in newspapers          Job Fairs        Employment agencies        Indeed        Linked In     Face book    Tweeting Search firms        Federal employment   
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Staying in Touch - a 5-Step Model for Staying in Touch Once You've Landed

When clients land their new job, I ask them this question: “What are you going to do with your new-found network?  You know, that network of contacts that you built during the course of your job search.”    “Stay in touch?” clients say.“How?”  I ask.    “I don’t know,” they say. "Well, here's how . . . . . . . . . " During your search, you
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I've Landed - I Want to Shout it From the Rooftops . . . or Do I?

You've landed your new position  -  you have an offer in hand!  You want to tell absolutely everybody, but should you ? ? ? Chances are, if you have been looking for a job, in today's tough, tough employment market, you are working really hard at your job search.  And, when you find a lead, that turns into a real, potential opportunity, and it turns into a bona-fide offer, you've
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