This page shows the 10 most recent articles. To see more, visit our article archives page.

Build Your Resume While You Search

Build your resume while you search!  It makes good Sen$e. After searching for a while, most job seekers come to understand that the more you tailor your resume for a position, the higher the chance that you will be seen as a possible candidate and contacted for an interview.  This DOES NOT MEAN fudging experience or embellishing accomplishments.  We never do that!  It DOES MEAN
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Follow-up Your Networking With a Thank You -- Here's How

Follow-up any networking meeting you have had with a heartfelt Thank You.  Whether you are following up a phone call, an in-person meeting, or a really informative e-mail exchange, take the time to thank your contact. You may be following up with a member of your own network.  Or, you may be following up a conversation you had with a person to whom you were referred, who, incidentally,
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Thank You for the Referral

Referrals open doors . . . . . that might not open any other way.  Treat them with care.  People who would not take your call, respond to your e-mail, or agree to meet with you, generally do, IF you are referred.  So . . .  treat referrals with care and . . . the referrer with utmost care! Why do they take your call? Professional courtesy!  It's as simple as that. 
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Internal Networking - Job Security Insurance

"How do I avoid another lay-off in my career?" You've got the job!  How do you protect it?  With internal networking! Job seekers who have been through a lay off, worked hard at their job search, and found their next job often ask this question:  Question:  How do I prevent this from ever happening to me again? The short answer:  You can't. The long answer:  Short
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Tips for Returning to Work after a Long Time Out

No one said that finding a job is easy, especially today.   But it is not the impossible dream either!   If you have been searching for months with little success, read on to get some tips and strategies to re-new and re-invigorate your job search campaign and realize your dream!   If you have been out of work for a while, whether by choice or not, getting back into the
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Are They Glad They Negotiated?

Question:  Are they glad they negotiated?  Answer:   Most say "Yes." Over the many years, and thousands of clients I have worked with during their job searches, I have asked this question at the conclusion of their successful search: Are you glad you negotiated?  The overwhelming response is "YES!" Most say Yes!  Most clients say, that even if they experienced
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Negotiation Begins the Moment You Say Hello

You've got less than 30 second to make the RIGHT 1st impression! The initial information you choose to reveal about your experience and your accomplishments begins the negotiation and influences your offer.  Since this is the information initially offered in your resume and marketing materials, and your initial phone screens and interview, that means . . . . . that the negotiation begins
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Nancy's 9 Tips and Truths for Negotiating Your Job Offer

Thoughts of negotiating any deal creates jitters in the best of us!  It's right up there with public speaking and fear of snakes!  As with so many things that cause a case of anxiety, though, knowing more is key. Understanding what negotiation is and how to go about it will allay the fear and calm the jitters. Negotiation is simply a skill, and skills can be learned and practiced. 
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Negotiation . . . . ahhh, It's Just a Conversation

A negotiation is a conversation.  It's as simple . . . and as complex . . . as that! Negotiation is just a part of life.  We negotiate everyday, whether we realize it or not.  We are negotiating when we discuss a  . . . . .      - a personal issue - discussing with your spouse if you will watch a sports or gardening TV show;      - a community
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Negotiation is Not for Me . . . . or Is It?

Should I negotiate?       I don't know . . . I don't think negotiation is for me!       What do you think? Over the years, I've heard multiple job seekers wonder if negotiation is for them.  And, over the years, I've had this conversation with multiple clients who wondered if they could actually negotiate a job offer. If you don't try, you'll never know! To
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