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Want to Sell Yourself as the Best Candidate for the Job? . . . . . Sell the Benefits of Hiring YOU!
Mon, Jan 27 2014 09:00
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
People Buy Benefits. It’s true for selling . . .
- a car,
- a house,
- a computer,
- an ink pen, or . . . .
- yourself to a prospective employer!
And, what is the most frequent problem I see when it comes to job seekers’ written and verbal presentations of themselves?
No benefits. A lack of the very thing
Want a New Job? It Starts with a New Year's Resolution
Tue, Jan 7 2014 03:58
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Still make New Year's Resolutions? If you do, you
have lots of company.
Millions make them, fewer achiever them.
makes the difference?
Following up your wishes - your resolutions -
with action steps and deadlines.
Sounds like goal setting,
doesn't it? In fact, it is. Making a resolution, and then figuring out what you have to do, and how
Looking for a Job - You are In Sales . . . . . . . "The Job Seeking Sales Process"
Thu, Dec 19 2013 07:04
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
I often ask job search workshop groups I'm speaking to: “Have you ever been in sales?” A few hands will go up. I then ask the group: How many of you ARE in sales? Again, a few hands go up.I then ask: How many of you are looking for a job? As the light bulb goes on, all hands go up.And I say, “Well,
End-of-the-Year Audits Work for Job Search Too
Thu, Dec 12 2013 06:17
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
If you do what you've always done, you'll get what you always got!
This simple truth works for many things in life - your job search too!
As the year
winds down, and the holiday events you attend become fewer, take some
time to review your job search activity to figure out where you can do a better job in order to achieve your goal -- a new job!
Before jumping into 2014 with a continuation
Layoffs Coming? - Catch the Signs -- They're There
Sat, Nov 23 2013 06:47
| Planning and Strategy, You've Got The Job Now What?
| Permalink
As employees and job seekers thoughts turn to holiday plans, employers thoughts turn to rightsizing their organizations. Catch the signs!
It’s that wonderful time of year, when . . . . . the best present you
could get would be a bright shiny job offer in your in-box if you're a job seeker, and a fat end-of-the-year bonus check if you're an employee.
It’s also that less-than-wonderful time of
Postponing Your Search During The Holidays -- A Bad Choice
Wed, Nov 20 2013 12:04
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
The Holidays are upon us - keep on searching! You'll be glad you did!
the passing of Halloween, the holiday season arrives. People's
thoughts turn to the holidays -- plans, preparations, parties, travel .
. . . . and with it, many job seekers thoughts turn to shutting down
their job searches. My advice -- don't do it!
A Bad Choice
As the holiday
1/4ly update
Wed, Nov 20 2013 03:36
| You've Got The Job Now What?
| Permalink
Bah-Humbug - Not Really, But When it Comes to Those Holiday Traditions . . . .
Tue, Nov 19 2013 03:24
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Spending money you don’t have
on presents you don’t want to buy
to travel to places you don’t want to go
on entertaining you don’t want to do
Spending time you don't have
with people you don’t want to see
Build Your Resume While You Search
Wed, Nov 6 2013 05:06
| Resume and Marketing Tools
| Permalink
Build your resume while you search! It makes good Sen$e.
After searching for a while, most job seekers come to understand that the more you tailor your resume for a position, the higher the chance that you will be seen as a possible candidate and contacted for an interview.
This DOES NOT MEAN fudging experience or embellishing accomplishments. We never do that!