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How To Work A Job Fair

Tips on How to Seize the Opportunities of a Job Fair
"Do they have any jobs?" asks a job seeker upon hearing that there is going to be a Job Fair.
      "No, they don't have any openings at this time."
"Then what is the point of going to the Job Fair?" ask a job seeker.

What is the point indeed?  There is a big point in attending a job fair and talking with companies even if they don't have openings at this time.  Read on.

"Do they have any jobs?" is the question asked by many job seekers who consider attending a job fair. Hopefully, the companies attending do have jobs. But, what if they don't?  Is attending a waste of time?  If you think so, think again.  There are many opportunities to be found - they are just on the "hidden job market."

Some Job Seeking Truths
    • People hire People! They always have; they always will - despite all of the technology of job search  today.
    • People prefer to hire people they know - or know of. It lessens the $$expensive $$risk of hiring a   mistake.  Meeting recruiters at Job Fairs is a way to get known!
    • The majority of positions are still found on the hidden job market.

 Smart ways to work a Job Fair
    1. Do your homework.  Look at the list of the companies and organizations before you attend the Job Fair, and identify those that are your best targets.
    2. Research those organizations. Look them up on the Internet. Get names of key people in the company and their positions.
    3. Strategize. Plan which companies you want to talk to first, and what you want to say to each of them, in addition to your elevator speech.
    4. Bring copies of your marketing tools - i.e., resume, business cards, items that will be memorable to the interviewer.
    5. Get the business cards, or contact info of everyone you speak to, and follow-up within 24 - 48 hours with a letter that thanks the person for talking with you, recaps your qualifications, and references something you talked about. Send another copy of your resume and business cards.
    6. State that you recognize that they may not have any positions at this time, but that you would like to stay in touch (ask for an informal interview) and ask if you might re-contact them in a few weeks (2 - 3 weeks is suggested).

Why do all of this when a firm says it has no openings?  Here's another truth - 
Companies will always have openings - sometime, some day. When they do, this simple strategy will help them think of you to fill that opening.  That's strategic Job Search!

For additional information on marketing yourself and your capabilities, please refer to the many articles found under the Articles tabs of the AJC–Career Strategy website.
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