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Rev Up Your Search . . . . . to Find a Job this Fall

Have you been on the market for a while, searching for a position since summer, spring, or since 2013 began?  Even before that?

Fall is here.  It's a good time to . . . . . Rev up your search!

Fall . . . .  Following the passing of Labor Day, job seekers get serious about finding a new job before the year is over. . . . . .  Why?
Because, companies and organizations also get serious about hiring. 
Traditionally, and historically, hiring picks up its pace during the period between September 1 and December 31.  It's a time when companies staff up to meet their needs for completion of current work as well as anticipated requirements for the coming calendar year.

A window of opportunity
 This September-through-December timeframe presents job seekers with a window of opportunity.  So, if you have been on the market for a while, take advantage of this window of opportunity.  Time is of the essence.

Your advantage
As you step up your search, you may find you have a lot of company as new job seekers, also aware of this window of opportunity, enter the employment market looking for their own new job.  However, you have a distinct advantage over the "newbees."

As you know, it takes time to put together a job search.  It requires time to plan, to write your resume, produce your other marketing tools, get comfortable delivering your "L"vator speech, tap into your network and get the word out that you are entering the employment market, looking for a new opportunity.  You, having been out there for awhile, have all or most of these things in place, whereas the newbees are just getting started and it will take them some time.  

So, use this time, and this fall, to your advantage.  Take a little time to re-group and utilize the steps below to rev up your search!  Here's how:

1.  Re-set - your targeted goal for the type of job you want.
2.  Re-group - Review your marketing materials - Resume is at the top of the list.  Make sure it is updated and  revised.
3.  Redevelop - your “L”vator speech in concert with your goal.
4.  Review - your networking contacts list.  Set 2 networking meetings a day.
4.  Remove - any negativity from your “L” speech, resume, marketing materials, and networking.
5.  Renew - your energy.

Since fall is the season in which companies and organizations get serious and step up their hiring, it is a good time for you to step-up your job seeking. 
For additional information on marketing yourself and your capabilities, please refer to the many articles found under the Articles tabs of the AJC–Career Strategy website.
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