This page shows the 10 most recent articles. To see more, visit our article archives page.

Open and Hidden Markets = the Employment Marketplace

Advertisements    in newspapers          Job Fairs        Employment agencies        Indeed        Linked In     Face book    Tweeting Search firms        Federal employment   
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Staying in Touch - a 5-Step Model for Staying in Touch Once You've Landed

When clients land their new job, I ask them this question: “What are you going to do with your new-found network?  You know, that network of contacts that you built during the course of your job search.”    “Stay in touch?” clients say.“How?”  I ask.    “I don’t know,” they say. "Well, here's how . . . . . . . . . " During your search, you
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I've Landed - I Want to Shout it From the Rooftops . . . or Do I?

You've landed your new position  -  you have an offer in hand!  You want to tell absolutely everybody, but should you ? ? ? Chances are, if you have been looking for a job, in today's tough, tough employment market, you are working really hard at your job search.  And, when you find a lead, that turns into a real, potential opportunity, and it turns into a bona-fide offer, you've
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“What Happens When I Run Out of Network?”

“What if I run out of network?  What do I do then?” Well, if you’re doing it right, you never do! There are a lot of things to worry about when you are looking for a job or a new or expanded role.  But . . . happily . . . this is not one of them! Upon deciding to look for a new job, most job seekers begin to reach out to the people they know  -  their colleagues, friends,
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Crafting Your 'L'vator Speech

The dreaded 'L'vator speech!  That short speech you need to make when one of your network contacts You're 'L'vator speech does triple duty! or an interviewer asks: . . . . . . . . “So what do you do?” or “What do you want to do?”          A rambling response or unclear and non-focused answer can stop the conversation in its tracks. Why? Because
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Referrals are Golden – Handle with Care

Referrals are golden . . .when it comes to your job search.  So, treat then like the gold they are! A referral really can be golden.  Referrals can open doors to company decision makers and organization influences that would not be opened any other way.  So when a network contact hands you a referral, handle it with care! Being referred to a well connected and influential person can
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Avoid the #1 "Conversation-Killing" Networking Question - PART 4: How to . . . Ask the 4 Target Questions

"Do you know of any job openings?"          If the answer is “NO,” it’ll be a short conversation. “Do you know of any job openings?” is an ill-advised way to open a networking conversation.  In fact, it’s a “conversation killer!” Parts 1, 2, and 3 of this 4-part Networking-HOW TO-series discussed the importance of communication skills and
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Avoid the #1 "Conversation-Killing" Networking Question - PART 3: How to . . . Active Listening Goes for the Gold

"Do you know of any job openings?"          If the answer is “NO,” it’ll be a short conversation.  “Do you know of any job openings?” is an ill-advised way to open a networking conversation.  In fact, it’s a “conversation killer!” Parts 1 and 2 of this 4-part Networking-HOW TO-series discussed how to have a productive conversation by
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