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Interviewers - 4 Factors Make Up the Hiring Decision
Sun, Jun 22 2014 10:39
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
"I can't believe they didn't hire me! I was perfect for the job! "
It happens all the time . . . .
You apply for a position for which you meet
every requirement.
You even get an interview, maybe several, and then .
. .
Interviewing 101 - A Short Course in What an Interview IS and ISN'T
Sun, Jun 22 2014 05:17
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
Interviewing is an ART!
Successful interviewing is an art -
not a science. No one can give you a formula virtually guaranteed to provide a certain outcome.
No one can predict
exactly how an interview will go.
No one
can give you a fool-proof method for acing every interview.
Why? There are too many factors outside of your control, not to
Don’t Go Into Business Because You Need a Job
Sat, Jun 7 2014 01:20
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Don’t go into business because you need a job – Go into business because you want to be in business. Work at getting a job if you what you REALLY want is a job!
It's about that time of year when job seekers, who began their searches with great zest and zeal at the beginning of the year, grow tired and discouraged. They’ve been at it a long time, working hard, and despite all
Interviewing? First Impressions Count
Sat, Jun 7 2014 12:17
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
A 1st impression . . . is a lasting impression . . . if not a last impression.
an old familiar saying, and an important concept for job seekers to
really grasp.
Because . . . First impressions count. First impressions can make or break your
prospects for getting hired.
Pay attention to the "cover" you project!
Don’t judge a book by its cover . . . we are told,
If You're Talking, . . . You're Interviewing
Wed, Jun 4 2014 10:59
| Networking and Interviewing
| Permalink
If you're talking, you're interviewing . . . when it comes to finding a job! So act accordingly.
Treat every conversation, and the information you reveal, as if it could lead to an interview.
It's an important concept to grasp if you want to be successful quicker in your search for a new position or new role. Keep the following 3 key precepts in mind as you talk with folks about your job search:
6 Points-of-Contact to Make the Sale, or . . . Get the Job
Fri, May 23 2014 11:22
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Job Seeker: “I’ve applied to over 100 companies, and not
one person has gotten back to me. What am I doing wrong?"
Career Coach: “Well, that’s
1 Point of Contact. 5 to
Or . . .
Job Seeker: “Well, I did what you said. I went to the Job Fair, and followed up with
Your Resume = Your Sales Brochure
Sat, May 10 2014 01:12
| Resume and Marketing Tools
| Permalink
Way too often, we still see candidates
for jobs submitting resumes that go on and on and on and . . . . . . 6 or 7 pages is not uncommon.
These lengthy resumes as
often as not also contain big blocks of paragraphs, filled with technical
jargon and acronyms, in 8 or 9 point type, that are daunting to get through.
The problem . . . .Even for the most skilled readers of resumes
Hope is Not a Sales Strategy
Sun, Mar 2 2014 03:43
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
"Hope is not a sales strategy" . . . . . . . Nor is it a job search strategy!
"Hope is not a sales strategy," stated author Peter Finkelstein, head of sales strategy, Barrett Consulting. In an article in, he offered thoughts for waging effective sales campaigns. However, his advice also
applies to job seekers who, as you
as you now really know, are
Want to Sell Yourself as the Best Candidate for the Job? . . . . . Sell the Benefits of Hiring YOU!
Mon, Jan 27 2014 09:00
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
People Buy Benefits. It’s true for selling . . .
- a car,
- a house,
- a computer,
- an ink pen, or . . . .
- yourself to a prospective employer!
And, what is the most frequent problem I see when it comes to job seekers’ written and verbal presentations of themselves?
No benefits. A lack of the very thing
Want a New Job? It Starts with a New Year's Resolution
Tue, Jan 7 2014 03:58
| Planning and Strategy
| Permalink
Still make New Year's Resolutions? If you do, you
have lots of company.
Millions make them, fewer achiever them.
makes the difference?
Following up your wishes - your resolutions -
with action steps and deadlines.
Sounds like goal setting,
doesn't it? In fact, it is. Making a resolution, and then figuring out what you have to do, and how